Basic Incident Details
Last Updated
Wed, Apr 17, 2024 7:03 PM UTC
Incident Type
Prescribed Fire
Incident Commander
Coconino National Forest
Mogollon Rim Ranger District
Incident Description
Prescribed fire projects usually commence during the early spring months in northern Arizona. If you want to sign up to receive news releases about prescribed fire and other projects on Coconino National Forest, please visit and click on the blue "Sign Up!" icon in the right column.
Prescribed fire is important part of forest restoration projects planned in accordance with the Forest Service’s 10-year Wildfire Crisis Strategy. Prescribed fire and mechanical thinning work together to remove fuels such as woody debris and logging scraps from the forest floor during times of opportune weather.
Fire managers make every effort to effectively plan and execute burn plans at times when weather allows for smoke impacts to be minimized and transport up and over communities.
For more information about prescribed burns and why wildfire is a necessary part of this ecosystem, please visit our website at
34.611016833333, -111.191434